Impact of Site Speeds on SEO and Conversion Rates - Blaber Blogger

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Impact of Site Speeds on SEO and Conversion Rates

For every query that you type in on Google, signals from that particular query feed into complex algorithms that return results that best match the query. Many factors determine which results get displayed at the top.

Why is site speed important?

Site speed is a key element that the algorithms use to rank search results, among 200 other such factors. Google made an official statement in 2010 regarding the same and has over the last few years made good on this. The policy is indiscriminate and includes both the desktop and mobile versions of any website. Apart from generally promoting improved load-times, the keenness of search engines on site speed also relates to the end user experience.

Everyday experiences such as waiting in line for a service at the bank, store, or any other outlet reveal that most people are an impatient lot. The same attitude extends online, where the speed of a website is an important part of the overall user experience. An average load time of 2 seconds or less is acceptable for most people, but anything beyond that limit may lead to great bounce rates. A bounce is when the visitor leaves without visiting any other page or post from your site. It leads to a domino effect. A high bounce rate may indicate that the website is not user-friendly to search engines like Google taking rankings further down.
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A slowly loading site is all the motivation it takes to shift to another website offering the same services. 

A slow site also affects the conversion rates on a site

Conversion rates directly affect a business’ profitability, survival and potential for growth. Studies aside, common sense dictates that there is a direct correlation between said conversion rates and the user experience of visitors to a website. Online shoppers tend to terminate a transaction on a particular webpage if the site is loading too slowly. Alternatively, most shoppers may also opt to shop elsewhere is they are dissatisfied with the load speeds. This is, at the very least understandable, since the convenience that online shopping offers is one of the key attractions to the practice. It makes little sense to avoid queuing at the store down the stress, only to spend time waiting on your screen to carry out the same transaction. Studies have shown that a second’s delay in page loading and response can lead to a decline in conversions by up to 7%.

Everyone likes to talk about their bad experiences. Unfortunately for businesses with slow site speeds, bad experiences are also a common subject of many conversations. A web visitor, unimpressed by the site’s performance may rant to friends and family over their experience on the website. This will, more than likely create a prejudice, which ultimately affects conversion rates. Imagine the undeniable and significant impact that such a reputation would have on the sales of the business. Conversely, a reputation centered on good user experience and high system performance will drive more traffic to a website and also lead to drastic increases on the conversion rates. This is largely because visitors are more likely to come back to the site and may also share the good experience with others.

Good web hosting practices such as minimizing HTTP request, image optimization, Gzip compression and deflation, using side server caching and content delivery networks( CDN), choosing a good host among others will help in reducing load times for pages, significantly improving site speeds. 

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